A head check is an assessable segment of the motorcycle operator skills test, along with stalling, not falling over. It cannot be neglected if you want to pass the test.
By turning your head and looking over your shoulder to one side.
No. The requirement is only to one side. You can do it to both sides, but know one side will suffice. If you want to check both sides, you go right ahead, but one side is enough.
There is nothing preventing the completion of a headcheck to both sides before starting each segment and some candidates prefer to do that, but it is not obliged. The assessor’s instructions for the MOST advise (or encourage when practising) a headcheck to both sides to make it less likely to forget.
For the test, the headcheck requirement is to one side only and although the choice of the specific side is up to the test candidate, most candidates will choose to turn their head right as this is the natural flow from pulling out of a kerb. However, you can do a headcheck to the left.
That is Yes, you do not need to use mirrors or indicators for any part of the skills test.
Headcheck before you start each segment of the test.
You can also headcheck when moving from the end of a segment to the start of another. Basically whenever you move off from a stationary position.
NO you do not. However, if you are burdened with the anxiety of having to determine when and when not to headcheck, then do it all the time if that's easier. You can headcheck all the time whilst in the test, and even whilst practising to help it sink in. The last thing you want is to practise all the test, go through it all getting it all perfect and then transfer your test fee into a donation because you failed for missing headchecks.
Considering what we have said about practising a headcheck, if you miss it, you would incur more in terms of embarrassment than you would in points. Maybe if you are nervous and you are the first person going for test, but really, if you are watching everyone else go before you then...
Missing one is not a fail. But do not miss 3.
Well if you miss it 3 times you will fail. Now considering you need to accumulate 8 points or less to pass, you should be able to figure it out enough.
Correct!! and that should be enough. We dont want you calculating points, because you ought to be getting ZERO and not forgetting any head check in the first place.
Make your head check obvious enough and make it slow enough and make it far around enough.
Especially if you are nervous, a slower headcheck can calm you down. This is especially useful before the obstacle turn.
And there is one more subtle thing.
Please do not take off, or threaten to take off (that is rev the engine) before you look back to the front. You risk being accused of being unsafe if you attempt to set off before looking back to the front.